Friday, August 28, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Referral Networking: Ch.9


Chapter 9 Creating an e-presence for referrals

The internet brought about great opportunities for business to expand in one easy access route; a keyboard and a screen. The internet is all about eyes and culture, the psychology of the internet is similar to the psychology of body language.

The first rule of engagement in body language as well as in e-presence is persuading the viewer within the first three seconds.

A web presence is a combination of web-pages, networking, advertising, and search engine performance. Let’s take a look at all the different modes of internet application to create an e-presence for referrals.

Building a web presence also has rules, and they are:

1.      Focus on your objective

This means that the objective is to increase your income not your contact list. One of the biggest mistakes in creating a referral network is that many users end up transferring their objective to creating a large network of connections and forget about the real reason they are building their web presence. Loosely translated this means “don’t turn the path into the objective.” 

2.      Build an interlinked network of pages

Make sure you cover every possible angle of the internet. This means that you need to build web pages (more than one) that are linked to each other. You must open social media pages that you are capable of updating on a regular basis. Build a profile on as many referral networking sites as possible. Create Blogs (and Vlogs if necessary) to update information on a constant basis. Use feedback on other sites as a means to convey personal messages.

3.      Create an effective SEO campaign

For every web page and presence, you have, create an SEO campaign to show that site on as many first search pages as possible.

4.      Make sure you can update information easily

Do not fall into the mistake of building up static web pages that you cannot update. If you cannot find the time to update your presence, then do not open it. On the other hand, having a lot of dead-end pages that link to active sites is one type of viral advertising, but only do that if you are ready to “know” where every dead end is located.

5.      Schedule your maintenance

Maintaining sites and social media requires time and patience. Make sure you create a schedule where updating information is performed on a daily basis. Also, remember that some sites require feedback, such as forums and social media. Be prepared to answer questions and chat with people online at set moments that you decide.

6.      Balance Work and Pleasure Hours

Remember, the internet does not sleep, eat, and have a family. You do. So, you need to think of the internet as your physical office. What are your office hours? When do you want to open your office for work? If you don’t set your routine, you will crash under the constant weight of demand, the same way you would crash if you stayed in your office 24/7.

e-Presence Pages

There are many types of pages to choose from, so let’s look at most of them here.

1.      Web Sites

These are either personal pages, company pages, e-shops or other information processing sites that are tailor-made to your specific needs. It is sometimes good to have more than one site addressing your services or products. However, this is dependent on the type of product you sell. The retail sector should have more than one site (e-shop) to sell products and should have multiple products being sold on other e-shops such as Amazon and e-Bay. Service professionals should have one main site and possibly a site for every specialty that are linked together, a production/manufacturing/fabrication company should have one main branded site and e-shop pages for their products.

2.      Social Media

Don’t fall into the trap of “needing” social media presence on every social media site, unless you are capable of supporting each and every page you open. There is nothing more off-putting then hitting a dead-end Facebook page. Set up social media pages only if you can update them regularly and are willing to interact with all kinds of unusual people. Instagram is a photo site where you can showcase your services or products, as well as photos of happy clients.

3.      Business Networking

Unlike social media, business network sites are aimed at “referral” networking. Linkedin is the world leader providing a number of opportunities and membership plans. There are many online business network sites, don’t fall into the trap of joining everyone, most are dead ends, and will confuse searchers seeking a serious service. When you do decide to use a business network site, make more than one page for yourself and your business, but send the same message.

4.      Blogs and Vlogs

These are extremely important sites; you can join a community or create your own using WordPress, which is the leading blog method. YouTube is the best option for Vlogs, and creating a subscription and personal page on YouTube will enhance your presence only if you are willing to commit and create video content. All blogs should be maintained on a regular basis, allow for comments to maximize their potential as well as pull discussion and interaction your way.

5.      Professional Associations

Societies and organizations have personal member pages; these are extremely useful for promoting your professionalism and academic stance. Try to join as many organizations as possible; it will help build up a professional image.

6.      Wiki sites

There are a number of “Wiki’s” out there, they are all peer-reviewed, but if you can create pages on them, do so. Wiki’s tend to be believed, and they enhance or solidify a reputation.

7.      Google app sites

Google has a number of “app” sites such as “travel” which is useful for supplementing your network. These pages are used to enhance your Google+ profile, which you should create and maintain for professional as well as personal reasons.

8.      Academic Alumnus

If you have a college/university degree, create a full profile on the alumnus page.

9.      Mobile Messaging and Chat

Supplement all your web presence with many ways of reaching you. Viber, Skype, WeChat, Whatsapp, Telegram, Google Hangouts and more. Make sure you create as many communication options as possible. It increases your presence as well as offers free communication services to cut down costs and speed up discussions.

10.  Journals and Citations

If you are an academic, or a professional that writes about your services or products for trade or peer-review Journals, make sure your journal and citations links are accessible from all your various pages.

11.  News Feedback

Some news sites allow for feedback to articles. Use this chance to reply to articles that are linked to your profession or product. Don’t hide behind an anonymous profile, create a real profile so that it can be linked back to you.

12.  Customer Reviews

All e-shops worth they're while having customer review sections. Make as many customer reviews for products you have bought and used. These also help build up an image of reliability.

13.  Search Engine Adverts

Create a campaign using site advertising such as Google AdWords, Linkedin Adverts, Facebook Ads, etc. Make sure all your web pages are SEO compatible with your campaigns. You will find that as you create more campaigns, you will be editing your sites to become more compatible.

14.  Site Adverts

Some online marketing companies provide site-specific ads, unlike search engine ads which aim to promote your site over search engines, site-specific ads are aimed at using Google AdSense which is how you set adverts on your site, so too do other sites allow for adverts to appear on their pages.

15.  HR Resume Pages

Go to as many HR sites and open a resume, you don’t need to open an active search, just open a resume page so that your professional data is reached here as well. It also helps when companies do seek someone like you and can lead to contract jobs, not just part-time or permanent positions that might not interest you.

16.  E-Books

If you are willing to take the time to write up informative e-books about your service or interstates, it is worthwhile creating 10,000+ word e-books and publishing them online. You can post them on business networks, or sell them via Amazon or other media companies. E-Books add to your professional credibility, especially when you make “how to” books. Supporting them with a Vlog increases their potential exponentially.

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